Funds Recovery - Scam Recovery Company


BitBackOffice is now known as AirBit Club. It was created with an aim of educating the public in all things about Bitcoin. Generally, this company earns money for users through proprietary trading bots.   BitBackOffice

Is BitBackOffice Registered?

BitBackOffice is not legit, it is because no one has any idea about who is behind this company. The contact and address mentioned on the website are not accurate. Also, it is not licensed. 

Is Linking With BitBackOffice Safe?

Linking with BitBackOffice is not safe as there are lots of negative BitBackOffice reviews by its clients. Also, you will not want to link with a company that is not licensed and has not shared any accurate details.

What To Do If You Got Scammed By BitBackOffice?

If you link with BitBackOffice then getting scammed will be likely. In this case, do reach out to us as we will help you in recovering your money.

What people say

  • Hace 5 años atrás una amiga mía me invito a formar parte de esta empresa arbitclub.. Yo no se si ella me estaba estafando pero de un día para otro dejo de funcionar la página en lo que solía entrar para ver mis ganancias.. Y fue entonces que le pido ayuda a esa amiga que me estafó porque ella manejaba la contraseña de los demás usuarios y hooo sorpresa que me dice que perdió su cuaderno donde ella apuntaba todo.. Y así an pasado los años de esta jugada maestra departe de arbit club y sus títeres qué solo hacen lo que otros le dicen.. Yo invertí como 5 mil dólares y siempre vi mis ganancias qué subía y llegue a tener en mi bollera digital más de 50, mil dólares y cuando los quise retiras desapareció la página y tiempo volvió a aparecer pero las contraseñas ya no servían para entrar

  • Conocí a Airbit club en el 2017, invertí dinero. Luego en el 2019 tenía un saldo de 500 USD, cuando quise retirarlos en el 2019 o 2020 ya era demasiado tarde. Lo sé, no es mucho dinero, pero aun asi, era un pequeño ahorro para mi. Seria bueno poder recuperarlos, pero no se si eso sea posible?

  • Invested 3 accounts amounting to 150K and got scammed. Hard-earned money of my husband, luckily Funds Recovery helped me to return my money back, oh thank you thank you

  • I was a member of crypto trading group in social media, im not gonna mentiong the names, just wanna thank to for getting my money and my life back to normal....

  • Member sinse 2018 i'm triing to entre portal and is not posible Want my money back

  • I invested and anytime I tried to get money out I waited months for approval and they always rejected it. Then I read it was being investigated and I couldn’t login

  • I was a member of airbit club since 2018 if i am not be miss taken. Recently i tried to open my account but unfortunately i won’t let me in. No error message,it was just the page where i put my account name/username and password. What should i do. Hope u will address my quiries. Thank you.

  • I was a member of crypto trading group in social media, im not gonna mentiong the names, just wanna thank to for getting my money and my life back to normal....