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TeraMusu is an unknown CFD brokerage firm primarily focused on cryptocurrencies. It claims to have numerous digital coins for trading. The broker does not support MetaTrader, rather works on the unusual trading platform. The entity fails to share vital information regarding its trading conditions.

Is TeraMusa A Licensed Broker?

TeraMusu is an unregulated platform operated by Arumas Ways OU, a company likely to be based in Tallinn,  Estonia. The entity does not operate under any financial authority and lacks legal validations to provide financial service.

Is It Safe To Invest With TeraMusa?

TeraMusa is a dubious platform. It lures gullible traders promising lucrative returns in investment. The official site is unreachable and probably out of business. Hence, we recommend not to associate with such an illicit entry for investment purposes.

What If TeraMusa Scams You?

TeraMusa reviews indicate some major red flags in the markets. It has received warnings from the Australian financial authority ASIC. Unfortunately, if you have lost your money with TeraMusa, contact us. We will assist you to retrieve your funds.

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