Funds Recovery - Scam Recovery Company


Magnum Options is a trading platform that was opened in 2013. The broker is headquartered in Gibraltar, EU.

Is Magnum Options Regulated?

As per our investigation, Magnum Options is an unregulated and offshore broker that has not been a holder of a license from any financial regulatory entity. It calls for a minimum deposit of USD 250 to start the trading process. But, trading with an unregulated broker is not at all reliable and hence, it is not a secure firm to deal with.

Is It Safe To Invest With Magnum Options?

According to our investigation on Magnum Options review, it is a scam website. The broker is cheating the investors and confiscating their invested amount illegitimately. Investors have posted their negative reviews for the company and have expressed their concerns for the money which has got stuck with Magnum Options with no further information about its recovery.

How To Get Your Lost Money Back From Magnum Options?

In case you have been frauded by Magnum Options, feel free to contact us, and we will help you out to get all your money back. 

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